(image from http://vickichrisman.blogspot.com/)
Jean--we hope you are feeling better! We have missed you at the past few meetings.
Hope to see everyone at the December 8th Christmas meeting. Please bring a food dish to share and your own drink, an ATC using last month's transfer technique to trade and a handmade Christmas ornament to trade. I will provide paper plates, napkins and plastic silverware.
Starting in January we have decided to start a new exchange working in a 6x6" format. Some members will be working on 8x8" accordian books ordered through CS and Oriental Trading, others will put their own books together. We decided on a Seasons theme --as I understand it we will do winter pages for Jan-Mar, spring pages Apr-Jun, summer pages Jul-Sep, and fall pages Oct-Dec. This may be adjusted.
Cindy will be the new leader of the group for 2009. We will continue to work on techniques in the Bernie Berlin book but anyone who wants to teach a different project along the way will be added in whenever we like.
We would all love to see any projects you have been working on--bring them for show and tell! Did you make some special Christmas gifts, cards, or other projects? I would also be happy to add any pictures of your projects to the blog here if you want to send them to me at any time.
Happy Thanksgiving!